
Who are we?

Mission India Movement is a missionary organization, progressing onward with a vision to ‘Evangelize India’. Through this mission, we would hold on to the sound doctrine of the ‘Church’ with a possibility of being ready to do the Lord’s Ministry.

Our Growth And Development

MIM was founded on the 25th September 2017, which was a result of continuous prayers and convictions of a few people guided by the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Initially the Mission was only a small prayer fellowship and has now begun its growth to be an evangelical organization.

As we are aware of the sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples – “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. MIM takes this verse as the motto of the mission to spread Good News. It’s now been over 2000 years after we have received this universal commandment, yet the Gospel has to reach several places to fulfill the goal for “all the nations”. Therefore, MIM as a missionary organization would serve the people in support of the progression of the Gospel in India to achieve this goal. Lord God in His great mercy has given us a tiny role in His great task. We are ever thankful to Him for choosing us one among the many ‘called’ in His grand effort of saving this World.

The prime goal of MIM is to preach the Gospel of Christ throughout this Land with the focus on “Evangelizing India” in Sprit and in Truth. Moreover, MIM will also provide facilities for conducting spiritual gathering and worship services for all those who have accepted Him as their personal Savior. In addition, MIM would take measures to support people in improvising their way of life.

Our missionaries will be serving in Indian villages where the Gospel has not yet been preached. The mission will also expand its territory by serving amid the illiterate and poor, thereby providing them a chance to know the ‘Truth’ and live a life pleasing to God.

It’s been 25 years that I personally have worked with different missionary organizations. When I look back and now along with my family, we couldn’t believe what the good Lord has accomplished through us. We are ever thankful to the Lord for His unceasing love and mercy that He has showered upon us since the very beginning. ‘Thus far has the lord helped us’ (1 Samuel 7:12) and because of his holy guidance we have reached this far with the formation of an organization MIM. Yet in all this we understand that a long way is ahead of us (MIM) to tread and this journey can only be possible if we pray and stay together as one body.

We now conclude with a faithful note that India will be with the Lord Jesus Christ in the near future. May God bless you all, Amen. MIM gratefully remembers and thank all those who have supported and prayed for us: Individuals, Fellowships and Churches.


Our Vision

To reach the un-reached through the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, help the newly converts in the transformation of their own lives through the Scriptures and equip them to be transformers through the Word across the needy societies of India.

Our Mission

  • Equip the volunteers from both southern and northern parts of India to reach the unreached with the Gospel.
  • Appoint missionaries in areas where the Christian work has NEVER been carried out. The result of these efforts would to be converted into Church Planting and Community Transformation.
  • Exclusively train the cross cultural and native believers as efficient leaders to spiritually educate the children, youth and elite of the society in Christian beliefs.
  • Introduce Education and Medical services along with Rehabilitation Centers for women and children from harsh backgrounds such as; victimized members of a family, child laborers, tribal children, orphans and the physically challenged.
  • Institute a missionary care center the retired missionaries who have lost physical and financial support in their last age.
  • Give emphasis for “Tent making” strategy for all the appointed missionaries.
  • Train and motivate young couples to conduct prayer fellowships, youth meetings, young couple meetings and Bible study periodically.
  • Print Christian literature in different Indian languages.
  • Support efforts to translate the Bible into Indian languages.
  • Provide resources for Indian Bible schools and colleges.
  • Begin and maintain Christian libraries with books and equipment.
  • Provide means of transportation for missionaries and gospel teams.
  • Encourage Indian believers outside India to get involved in the work.
  • Provide relief work to the needy people.

